Thursday, June 9, 2011

General Black Ops tips - FIRING RANGE (Team Deathmatch)

Class I am using with this discussion:
Sniper - with Ghost, Slight of hand, and Ninja
Dual Pythons as secondary
Claymores as equipment

Firing range is a small to medium map that i think most people enjoy.  When it comes up in a playlist most of the time it's voted to be played again.  Not as small as "Nuketown", but still offers some good fast paced action without having to run around for 2 minutes to find someone to shoot.  Let's get one thing clear right off the bat.  I usually roll with the perks Ghost (invisible on enemy radar), Slight of Hand (fast reload), and Ninja (silent movement).  I will also have a backup class that includes Flak Jacket (dampens explosion damage) if things start to get hairy with grenades.

What I don't see very often on this map is people hauling around sniper rifles.  Yeah, I know, not everyone is great with them but if you can hone your skills a little you'll find this map can be sweet with the L96A1That is pretty much the only sniper rifle I use.  Right off the bat, no matter which spawn you are, you'll have the chance to get that coveted "First Blood" medal.  With a spawn at B2 and one at E3, there's almost a 99% certainty that you can look down along the trailers and scope someone out. 

If you start out at the E3 spawn, quickly run to your left and jump up on the ledge inside the bunker.  You can aim down the trailers and pick them off as they try to flank you.  After this just sit tight (where that Ghost perk comes in handy), and set your scope down the long covered tunnel going from E4 to E5.  (Please note: This is considered camping and will get you yelled at by the opposing team after the match.)  But it will help you get that Kill/Death ratio higher as well.  Depending on where the enemy is spawning, they will start to pour in coming straight at you from D5.  With a sniper rifle, and on your perch, you will be able to spot them before they spot you.  One shot kills can easily be made and garner you those higher kill streaks. I've gone 25+ with minimal deaths, just sitting in this one spot.  Just make sure you protect your backside with a claymore.  Claymore's are not only good for killing the enemy, but also give you an early detection when they're getting close.  A hit marker will appear on your screen when it goes off, giving you time (if set far enough away) to turn around and cap 'em.

On the other hand, if you spawn at B2, you can also use the straight-away to go for that first snipe kill as well.  What I do here is quickly run towards the car to the right.  I go prone and lay down in the weeds.  I have had many games where (when I had Ghost on for the extra camouflage) the enemy has run right past me because I blend in so well.  You use mostly the same strategy as previously discussed.  Claymores in this instance might actually give away your position though so be careful of that.  Also there is not as much cover from the left C4 area so be careful when turning from left to right as you aim around.

Other than sniping I'm sure there's a lot more strategies but I won't go into much more here.  Usually, after I snipe for a while and gain some kills, I will switch to a run and gun class with Flak Jacket.  This map is pretty chaotic and not really meant for sniping (although it can be done with awesome results using the above strategies.).  One thing to note that I don't see much on my killcams (yes I do die), is when people are camping in the trailers at C2 and D2.  Don't forget that you can bounce cooked grenades off of the door frame for easy kills.  I have never seen this done to me but I kill campers all the time using this strategy.

Thanks for reading and feel free to post comments on your own strategies!

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