Monday, June 13, 2011

General Black Ops tips - LAUNCH (Team Deathmatch)

Class I am using with this discussion:
L96A1 with Variable Zoom - with Ghost, Scout, and Ninja
Dual Pythons as secondary
Claymores as equipment

Launch is a large map that can be a little frustrating at times.  You spawn really far back (C5 and C2 respectively), and it takes time to run to the other side of the level to flank the enemy.  This map offers some good fast paced action near the middle of the map, while also having several areas for sniping.  I usually roll with the perks Ghost (invisible on enemy radar), Scout (Hold breathe longer), and Ninja (silent movement).  All pro if possible.

As I said earlier, the spawns start at C2 and C5.  When the game starts most people clash at D3 and it's just a slaughterhouse.  Most people already know the tactics to use around this part, so I'm going to find some other areas of interest.

No matter which spawn you start at,  start off by running to the rocket at B3.  Camping underneath the rocket is possible but someone can easily jump down on you from above.  Instead, run up the stairs and go to the very top level.  After you decide which area to go to, by looking at the radar and determining their spawn, place a claymore for protecting your backside.  I've seen this done before but for those players who don't know it already, it is possible to jump over and crouch on the beams.

From this birds eye view you can easily pick off the enemy as they run down the path towards the rocket.  If you position yourself just right, you'll have the upper hand here, as they will be mainly focused on the lower part of the rocket pad.  If that claymore goes off, quickly switch to your pythons and lay waste.  

Another strategy is to stay behind the concrete barriers at C3 and snipe from here.  As I said before, the D3 area is pretty well occupied for the duration of the match.  If you sit here long enough you will get a chance to snipe for some easy kills.  

Remember to place claymores behind you because the area you're sitting in  has a bit of traffic as well.  One thing to remember when sniping is that people HATE getting killed by you.  They would almost rather get killed by a noob-tube, than die from across the level by a sniper.  Keep moving after a couple kills.  Try switching between these two strategies.  If you camp long enough you will be shot from some revengeful player.   

Other than sniping I'm sure there's a good chance you're just going to be run and gunning with an assault rifle or sub-machine gun, which is completely do-able.  I just feel that's what most people do on this map so I'm trying to lighten up some other areas.  On another note, when choosing killstreaks, I switch to rolling thunder and dogs instead of a chopper gunner and gunship.  There are so many places for cover on this map.  The dogs can work very well around all of the angles and a B-52 can clean up the D3 area quite well. As you can see below, I forgot to switch up my killstreaks and had a chopper gunner.  It was wasted as the enemy just bunkered down in a building.  

 Must have had host LOL.  32-3!!

Thanks for reading and feel free to post comments on your own strategies!


  1. Better with mp5 and light weight class...

  2. I also agree that you can score big with run and gunning. Lately because of lag issues, I've been dominating with a MP5 with rapid fire. I think shooting 30 bullets in 2 seconds counteracts the lag LOL. But yeah, I was trying to show some different angles on the map. THANKS FOR THE COMMENT SHEENA and SOMEONE ELSE!


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